Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Asian Landlords Won't Remove or Prevent Mould Growth, Leaving Tenants To Do It, Warns Fry

Residential and commercial landlords in Hong Kong, Philippines, and elsewhere in Asia won't remove or prevent toxic mould growth in their rental units because they don't realize the severe health danger of mould exposure to tenants and to their buildings, advises Phillip Fry, Certified Environmental Hygienist.

Montrose, MI, April 27, 2016 -- ”Residential and commercial landlords in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines don't remove or prevent toxic mould growth in their rental units because they don't realize the severe health danger and damage of mould exposure to tenants and to their buildings, and because they are unwilling to spend money for proper building maintenance," advises Phillip Fry, Certified Environmental Hygienist, and webmaster since 1999 of the mould health website

"If tenants are sick from living or working in Asian homes and commercial buildings, they need to take steps on their own for the proper mould inspection, testing, removal, and remediation of their rental units," recommends Fry who is also a Professional Industrial Hygienist, Certified Environmental Inspector, Certified Remediation Specialist, and author of five mold books.

Fry's firm EnviroFry Upkeep Masters, LLC, provides mould inspection and removal services for tenants and concerned property owners and managers anywhere in Asia during company environmental hygienists' frequent visits Asia-wide from Manila, Philippines, and the USA. The company also offers long-distance advice, services, and products to help Asian mould victims.

The company also helps Asians have their urine tested for the possible presence in their bodies of health damaging mould mycotoxins through EnviroFry's liaison with an accredited USA medical testing lab, which helps mold victims worldwide.

To schedule on-site or long-distance Asian mould services, email, or phone USA 1-810-639-0523 or 1-480-310-7970, or visit,,, or

Phillip Fry, Co-Manager
EnviroFry Upkeep Masters, LLC
10104 Sheridan Rd.,
Montrose, MI 48457
Phone USA 1-810-639-0523 or 1-480-310-7970 and

Asian Landlords Won't Remove or Prevent Mould Growth, Leaving Tenants To Do It, Warns Fry

Residential and commercial landlords in Hong Kong, Philippines, and elsewhere in Asia won't remove or prevent toxic mould growth in their rental units because they don't realize the severe health danger of mould exposure to tenants and to their buildings, advises Phillip Fry, Certified Environmental Hygienist.

Montrose, MI, April 27, 2016 -- ”Residential and commercial landlords in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines don't remove or prevent toxic mould growth in their rental units because they don't realize the severe health danger and damage of mould exposure to tenants and to their buildings, and because they are unwilling to spend money for proper building maintenance," advises Phillip Fry, Certified Environmental Hygienist, and webmaster since 1999 of the mould health website

"If tenants are sick from living or working in Asian homes and commercial buildings, they need to take steps on their own for the proper mould inspection, testing, removal, and remediation of their rental units," recommends Fry who is also a Professional Industrial Hygienist, Certified Environmental Inspector, Certified Remediation Specialist, and author of five mold books.

Fry's firm EnviroFry Upkeep Masters, LLC, provides mould inspection and removal services for tenants and concerned property owners and managers anywhere in Asia during company environmental hygienists' frequent visits Asia-wide from Manila, Philippines, and the USA. The company also offers long-distance advice, services, and products to help Asian mould victims.

The company also helps Asians have their urine tested for the possible presence in their bodies of health damaging mould mycotoxins through EnviroFry's liaison with an accredited USA medical testing lab, which helps mold victims worldwide.

To schedule on-site or long-distance Asian mould services, email, or phone USA 1-810-639-0523 or 1-480-310-7970, or visit,,, or

Phillip Fry, Co-Manager
EnviroFry Upkeep Masters, LLC
10104 Sheridan Rd.,
Montrose, MI 48457
Phone USA 1-810-639-0523 or 1-480-310-7970 and

Monday, April 25, 2016

Mold Mycotoxin Urine Lab Testing Available in USA, Hong Kong, & London, Announces EnviroFry

Families experiencing mold exposure health symptoms anywhere in the USA, London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Manila, or worldwide should have each family member's urine lab tested for the possible presence of health-damaging mold mycotoxins, with the lab liaison help from EnviroFry Upkeep Masters, LLC.

Montrose, MI, April 26, 2016 -- "Families with Level 1, 2 and/or 3 mold exposure health symptoms anywhere in the USA, London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Manila, or worldwide should have each family member medically tested for the possible presence of health-damaging toxins produced by mold, which are known as 'mycotoxins', with the lab liaison help from EnviroFry Upkeep Masters, LLC, which also provides home and workplace and building mold inspection and testing services worldwide," notes Phillip Fry, Certified Environmental Hygienist and author of the book Mold Health Guide.
Mycotoxins are the organic poisons produced by mold or fungi. They are highly toxic secondary metabolites that have been documented to be "carcinogenic" (cancer causing to people and animals), adds Mr. Fry who has been the webmaster since 1999 of the mold health authority website

Once inside the human body, these toxins do not behave like other poisons because mycotoxins become intercellular, and they can remain in the body indefinitely. Some mycotoxins have been known to attach to the mitochondrial DNA, and can cause irreversible and permanent genetic damage, along with neurological damage and damage to the brain and other organs.

Some disease causing mycotoxins commonly found in indoor water damaged structures are:
(1) Aspergillus mold that produces Aflatoxins;
(2) Aspergillus and Penicillium molds, in combination, that produce Ochratoxin A;
(3) Stachbotrys, Fumonsin, and Trichoderma are molds that produce Trichothecenes.

The best mycotoxin test medium is urine because of the heavy accumulation of mycotoxins in the liver and kidneys. EnviroFry provides its clients, and other mold victims worldwide, with a medical mycotoxin urine test that comes in a sealed kit with instructions for specimen collection and a pre-paid label (USA) to ship the specimen directly to the CLIA-certified medical laboratory. International mold victims pay for their own shipment of the urine specimens to the USA lab address.

EnviroFry never receives the clients' medical lab results. The results are private, subject to The Federal Privacy ACT, and HIPPA Regulation. All results are directly sent the client via encrypted email Lab results are available in 10-14 days and are self-explanatory by designating positive, negative, or equivocal (borderline positive). Each lab test result is $599 with a discount for additional family members.

If a client has a problem understanding lab results and their medical significance, the clients will ask their physician because neither the lab nor EnviroFry can provide medical interpretation.
To receive the free mycotoxin urine test kit anywhere in the world, email Phillip Fry, or phone toll-free (U.S.A. and Canada) 1-866-300-1616 or cell phone (and international calls) 1-480-310-7970 or office phone 1-810-639-0523, or visit the websites,, and

Level 1 Early Symptoms of Mold Exposure Health Problems include headaches, skin redness, skin rashes, eye irritation, sneezing, and itching.

Level 2 Advanced Symptoms of Mold Exposure Health Problems include breathing disorders, asthma, nose bleeds, ear infections, chronic sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, pain in muscles and joint, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing blood, nervous disorders, heart palpitations, blurred vision, swollen gland, loss of appetite, weight loss or gain, chronic fatigue, depression, open skin sores, fungal nail, sexual dysfunction, and thyroid conditions.

Level 3 Late Symptoms of Mold Exposure include blindness, COPD, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, histoplasmosis, memory loss (long term), bleeding lungs, kidney failure, liver disease, cancer, and death.

Phillip Fry, Co-Manager
EnviroFry Upkeep Masters, LLC
10104 Sheridan Rd.,
Montrose, MI 48457
Phone toll-free 866-300-1616
Cell 480-310-7970 or Office 1-810-639-0523 and

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Nakajima-Holdings Takes the Pulse of Today's Mobile Investors

As mobile investing activity rises, many look to wearables.

Tokyo, April 25, 2016 /PressReleaseCircle/ -- Nakajima Holdings, a respected investment advisor on the financial markets announced today that the findings on mobile investing behaviour from a survey it deployed last month. Insights extracted from a representative sample of Nakajima Holdings’ investors indicate robust mobile investing and trading activity:

- Mobile investing is essential. More than half of all investors, and nearly all investors under the age of 40, categorize the ability to invest on the go as "critical."

- Mobile investing activity has increased. A third of all investors use their smart phones for investing purposes very or somewhat frequently, a notably positive development since last year. Half of all investors use an investing or trading app two to three times per week.

- More than half of all investors, a proportion increasing inversely to the age group of the respondents, plan to increase the use of their smart phones for investing purposes over the next year.
Checking stock quotes remains the most popular investing activity performed on smart phones,
followed by monitoring a portfolio, and checking on market movement.

The study measured interest in using wearables for investing. Although still in their early days, one in three investors want wearable’s for monitoring portfolios. Investor segments most interested in wearables include: Active traders; investors under 40; and female investors.

"Investors have spoken - mobile is indispensable. Today's savvy investors want to be on the cutting edge of digital," said Yasu Aso, Managing Director, Nakajima Holdings Alternative Investment Services. "They expect to effortlessly track market movements and manage their portfolios while on the go, from bite-sized information on wearables, to rich immersive content on smart phones and tablets."

About Nakajima Holdings
Nakajima Holdings ( is a respected investment advisor on the financial markets. Relationships matter to us. The company provides a broad range of products and services to its clients, all backed by a commitment to excellent service. Their offering comprises a pragmatic active investment range, best of breed multi-manager solutions, as well as smart alternative asset management. The portfolios are managed in line with the pragmatic value investment approach, with the objective of providing real returns to the company clients. Nakajima Holdings offers management expertise across a comprehensive range of segregated and pooled portfolios.

Media Contact:
Wong Tjin
Nakajima Holdings (
19f Izumi Garden Tower 1-6-1,
Roppongi, Minato-Ku,
Tokyo 106-6019, Japan
Phone: +81345782022

Friday, April 22, 2016

Nakajima-Holdings Donates Substantial Grant to Asian Food Banks

Nakajima Holdings’ partnership level and corporate donation demonstrates continuing commitment to the communities served.

Tokyo, April 23, 2016/PressReleaseCircle/ -- Nakajima Holdings, a respected investment advisor on the financial markets announced today that the company has committed to support various Asian food banks for the coming year and is going to provide a generous corporate donation. Nakajima Holdings’ partnering plan is built around more than corporate donations – Nakajima Holdings’ charitable strategy highlights the importance of corporate and personal involvement. Hence, employee volunteers and in-branch food drives will be encouraged to donate “hours” in support of local food banks.

Usage of food banks in Asia remains near record levels. Every month nearly thousands of citizens – more than a third of them children – depend on a food bank to meet life's basic necessities.
"Nakajima Holdings has again demonstrated its commitment to relieving hunger in Asia, with its financial commitment to various food banks and ongoing support of local charitable kitchens," said Hiroko Satomi, Nakajima Holdings' Chief Executive Officer. "We are proud to partner critical institutions and offer our and our employees’ continuous support."

Nakajima Holdings employees will be able to show their support of local food banks through two major annual events – Nakajima Holdings Charity Day and Nakajima Holdings Donate a Day event, with both events combining hundreds of volunteer hours with in-branch food drives.

"Partnering with food banks is a perfect fit for our fast-developing branch network," said Tsutomu Hosokawa, Senior Country Officer Nakajima Holdings. "Our teams are actively engaged in our sponsorship efforts by providing volunteer hours and food donations at the affiliated food banks."
Many food banks now work with corporations across all sectors to relieve hunger today and prevent hunger tomorrow.

About Nakajima Holdings
Nakajima Holdings ( is a respected investment advisor on the financial markets. Relationships matter to us. The company provides a broad range of products and services to its clients, all backed by a commitment to excellent service. Their offering comprises a pragmatic active investment range, best of breed multi-manager solutions, as well as smart alternative asset management. The portfolios are managed in line with the pragmatic value investment approach, with the objective of providing real returns to the company clients. Nakajima Holdings offers management expertise across a comprehensive range of segregated and pooled portfolios.

Media Contact:
Wong Tjin
Nakajima Holdings (
19f Izumi Garden Tower 1-6-1,
Roppongi, Minato-Ku,
Tokyo 106-6019, Japan
Phone: +81345782022

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Nakajima-Holdings with Education Technology Company to Launch New Digital Education Program

The program encourages important conversations between Financial Advisors, their clients and their clients’ children that can help them prepare for their financial futures.

Japan, April 21, 2016/PressReleaseCircle/ -- Nakajima Holdings, a respected investment advisor on the financial markets announced today that it has entered into a licensing agreement with an education technology company that develops interactive learning tools focused on teaching financial education and skills, to launch a new web-based financial education program called Finance Champion.

Finance Champion provides Financial Advisors with a digital financial curriculum to share with their clients and their investors. This resource is comprised of four engaging courses. The interactive courses brings financial concepts to life with games, polls and simulations associated with hundreds of age-appropriate lessons. Topics include money management, savings strategies, home ownership, college loans, and investment portfolios.

“We are pleased to partner up for this endeavor to provide this interactive financial education program to our clients and their investors through our financial advisors,” said Takaji Yutaka, Asian Trade Executive for Nakajima Holdings Investment Services. “We are continuously working to expand our suite of digital products and services that complement the client-advisor relationship.”

“Across Asia Pacific Region, there’s a critical need for financial education at all ages and income levels,” said Marshall Kyotaky, Managing Director and Asian Market Infrastructure Executive. “Nakajima Holdings is making a deep commitment to addressing this gap by ensuring that more investors have access to important financial education resources that can help them prosper at all stages of life.”

The Nakajima Holdings Finance Champion program will be launched next month to a select group of Financial Advisors with plans to expand to a larger group of Financial Advisors in late spring.

About Nakajima Holdings

Nakajima Holdings ( is a respected investment advisor on the financial markets. Relationships matter to us. The company provides a broad range of products and services to its clients, all backed by a commitment to excellent service. Their offering comprises a pragmatic active investment range, best of breed multi-manager solutions, as well as smart alternative asset management. The portfolios are managed in line with the pragmatic value investment approach, with the objective of providing real returns to the company clients. Nakajima Holdings offers management expertise across a comprehensive range of segregated and pooled portfolios.

Media Contact:
Wong Tjin
Nakajima Holdings (
19f Izumi Garden Tower 1-6-1,
Roppongi, Minato-Ku,
Tokyo 106-6019, Japan
Phone: +81345782022

GREEN CREATIVE Releases DLC Qualified HID Replacement Universal Voltage Lamps

San Bruno, CA, April 20, 2016/PressReleaseCircle/ -- GREEN CREATIVE, the commercial grade LED lighting manufacturer proudly announces the launch of its HID LED 45W and HID LED 27W universal voltage lamps.

The HID LED lamps run on universal voltage 120-277V and replace various HID lamp types, including metal halide (MH), mercury vapor (MV) and high pressure sodium (HPS). The HID LED lamps’ high lumen output, exceptional efficacy, fully omnidirectional beam angle and enclosed fixture rating make them an ideal choice for post top lighting.

“With the addition of these new HID replacements, we are now able to provide a more extensive range of lighting retrofit solutions,” says GREEN CREATIVE Product Manager, Taylor Schaberg. “The CoolSink design and high lumen output of these lamps ensures that like our other products, these lamps will outlast and outperform their traditional counterparts.”

All HID LED EX39 base lamps feature the CoolSink passive cooling system that allows air to flow freely through the lamp. This unique design helps reduce the operating temperature of the LED and power supply, thus resulting in longer lamp life and lumen maintenance.

The 45W version replaces up to a 70W HPS, 100W MH or 175W MV lamp, and the 27W version replaces up to a 50W HPS, 70W MH or 100W MV lamp. All new HID LED lamps are DLC qualified, turn on instantly, last 50,000 hours, are suitable for use in totally enclosed fixtures and are available in both 5000K and 3000K CCT. Installation of the lamp requires bypassing the existing ballast. An optional surge protector accessory will also be available soon.

Detailed information and data sheet for the HID LED 45W product available here.
Detailed information and data sheet for the HID LED 27W product available here.

GREEN CREATIVE also offers an E26 base 50-70W HID replacement product in the ENERGY STAR® certified HID LED 18.5W. These products are available through GREEN CREATIVE distributors and are ready to ship from the company’s west coast and east coast distribution centers. For more information on where to purchase these products near you or how to become a distributor, please contact GREEN CREATIVE at: or (866) 774-5433.

GREEN CREATIVE is a major solid state lighting development and manufacturing company based in the Bay Area, CA. The company specializes in retrofit lighting for the commercial market, offering a comprehensive line of LED lighting solutions. GREEN CREATIVE is fully integrated with strong R&D capabilities to constantly offer the latest technology available. For more information on GREEN CREATIVE please visit For all of the latest updates follow GREEN CREATIVE on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Connor Doyle
South San Francisco, CA 94080
Tel: (866) 774-5433

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Mould Deniers Lie Like Cigarette Companies Did in Past, Advises Enviro Hygienist Phil Fry

Landlords, real estate sellers, home builders, and employers in the USA, London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Manila who deny the existence and health dangers of residential and workplace mould infestation are just as deceitful as were cigarette companies who denied the health hazards of smoking in the past, cautions Phillip Fry, Certified Environmental Hygienist.

Montrose, MI, April 20, 2016 -- Landlords, real estate sellers, home builders, and employers in the USA, London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Manila who deny the existence and health dangers of residential and workplace mould infestation are just as deceitful as were cigarette companies who denied the health hazards of smoking in the past, warns Phillip Fry, Certified Environmental Hygienist, Certified Environmental Hygienist, and webmaster since 1999 of the mold health authority website, plus the websites,, and

"Ignoring and denying mould health risks to tenants, home buyers and employees are just as immoral and illegal as what the cigarette makers did for decades," explains Mr. Fry, who is also a Professional Industrial Hygienist, Certified Environmental Inspector, Certified Remediation Specialist, Certified Mold Inspector, Certified Mold Remediator, and Certified Duct Cleaning Specialist.

According to the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) evident dampness or mould in buildings (such as visible dampness, visible water damage, visible mould, or mould odor), were consistently associated with increases in a number of diseases: development of new asthma, exacerbation of existing asthma, ever-diagnosis of asthma, current asthma, respiratory infections, bronchitis, allergic rhinitis (inflammation of nasal passages with runny nose or congestion), and eczema.

The W.H.O. also reports that exposure to elevated levels of indoor mould is associated with increases in a variety of respiratory symptoms: difficulty breathing, wheeze, cough, and upper respiratory symptoms. Evidence for a link between dampness and mould in homes and exacerbation of existing asthma in children was sufficient, according to the W.H.O. to strongly suggest a causal link. There is also sufficient evidence associating hypersensitivity pneumonitis with dampness and mould in buildings.

"Instead of ignoring home and office mould smells, visible mold growth, and water damage, property owners, managers, employers, real estate sellers and buyers, and tenants need to promptly engage the services of a Certified Environmental Hygienist or Certified Mould Inspector to locate and remediate indoor mould growth, including hidden mould growth," recommends Fry, who is co-manager of EnviroFry Upkeep Masters, LLC, which serves residential and commercial property owners and tenants across the USA, as well as in the Philippines, Hong Kong, Tokyo, London, and other locations.

Contact Fry by emailing or phoning toll-free (USA and Canada) 1-866-300-1616 or cell 1-480-310-7970, or visiting the company websites and

Phillip Fry, Co-Manager
EnviroFry Upkeep Masters, LLC
10104 Sheridan Rd.,
Montrose, MI 48457, USA
Phone toll-free 1-866-300-1616 (USA and Canada)
Cell Phone 1-480-310-7970, and

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Legacy of Hunger: An adventure in 1846 Ireland

New York, April 19, 2016/PressReleaseCircle/ -- New York State author Christy Nicholas, in conjunction with Tirgearr Publishing, has released Legacy of Hunger, the first novel of the Druid's Brooch series. The second book, Legacy of Truth, is due to be released in June 2016. Christy has previously published bestselling travel guides to Ireland and Scotland, and has one other novel published, Better To Have Loved.

"Ireland is no promised land in 1846. It is wracked by a crippling potato blight, and people are dying. But Valentia McDowell doesn’t know that.

From her father’s prosperous farm in Ohio, young Valentia is haunted by tales of an abandoned family and a lost heirloom. She travels to her grandmother’s homeland with her brother, Conor, and two servants, to find both. Her delight in the exciting journey on one of the first steam ships to cross the Atlantic is shattered by a horrible tragedy.

What she encounters upon her arrival in Ireland is both more and less than she had hoped. Valentia finds both enemies and allies, amid horrors and delights, and a small bit of magic. She finds a richer heritage than she had ever imagined, but it comes with a price.
When she finally reaches her goal, a terrible price is demanded. She must pay or forfeit, and both decisions have strong consequences for her and her friends."

Christy Nicholas, Author
Legacy of Hunger
ISBN: 9781311528575

Christy Nicholas, Author
11052 Spring Terrace
Corning, NY 14830

Saturday, April 16, 2016

53-Year-Old Motivational Author Proves Age 50 is New 30

Shawn Anderson Adds 750 Mile Japan Hike to His Extra Mile Adventures.

Los Angeles, CA, April 15, 2016/PressReleaseCircle/ -- Creating adventures to sharpen himself is nothing new for 53-year-old motivational speaker and author Shawn Anderson. Anderson has biked 4,000 miles solo across the United States twice, hiked 550 miles across Spain in 27 days, and hiked 440 miles up the coast of Portugal. Additionally, Anderson has run a 100-mile race, completed a 40-day around-the-world trip and has created adventures in 40 countries. On April 15, 2016, the six-time author will put on his tennis shoes and take on his next extra-mile adventure: hiking 750 miles around Shikoku Island, Japan.

Being in his fifties and hiking nearly 20 miles a day for 40 consecutive days doesn’t faze Anderson. “If I act old, I grow old faster. Of course walking 750 miles will be demanding in multiple ways, but I believe at age 53 I am better equipped to handle many of those challenges,” Anderson shares. “Also, I will not let myself get overwhelmed with the entirety of the 750 mile goal. I will stay present in the moment by focusing on only one step and one mile at time.”

Anderson, author of the motivational book A Better Life: An Inspiring Story About Starting Over, shares, “The excellence and adventure of each of our lives will always be determined by our own vision and a willingness to take massive action on that vision. If we think we can…we can. If we think we can’t…we can’t. I don’t want to be a person who lets excuses stop me at any age.”

In addition to being a successful lifetime entrepreneur, Anderson is also the Founder of Extra Mile America and the creator of “Extra Mile Day” - a day recognizing the capacity we each have to create positive change when we go the extra mile. On November 1, 2015, 551 mayors and cities made the unique declaration and recognized those in their local communities who were going the extra mile in volunteerism and service. Additionally, in 2015 Anderson took his “go the extra mile” message outside of the United States and created a month-long speaking tour in the Philippines where he shared his inspirational message with over 10,000 Filipinos.

“As far as being 53 and walking 750 miles? Always do I believe my best days are still ahead of me…never behind me,” Anderson concludes.


Shawn Anderson
Los Angeles, CA

Friday, April 15, 2016

Mold Denial Parents Risk Prosecution for Child Abuse & Endangerment, Warns Hygienist Phil Fry

Parents who deny the existence and extent of residential mold infestation and who fail to test and remove serious home toxic mold health threats risk criminal prosecution for child abuse and endangerment, cautions Phillip Fry, Certified Environmental Hygienist.

Montrose, MI, April 15, 2016/PressReleaseCircle/ -- Parents who deny the presence and extent of residential toxic mold growth and fail to test and remove substantial home toxic mold growth health threats risk criminal prosecution for child abuse and endangerment, cautions Phillip Fry, Certified Environmental Hygienist, and webmaster since 1999 of the mold health authority website

"Allowing children to live in a residence or apartment that is infested with toxic mold growth is a serious violation of the parental duty to provide an environmentally safe place to live," explains Mr. Fry, who is also a Professional Industrial Hygienist, Certified Environmental Inspector, Certified Remediation Specialist, Certified Mold Inspector, Certified Mold Remediator, and Certified Duct Cleaning Specialist.

According to the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) evident dampness or mold in buildings (such as visible dampness, visible water damage, visible mold, or mold odor), were consistently associated with increases in a number of diseases: development of new asthma, exacerbation of existing asthma, ever-diagnosis of asthma, current asthma, respiratory infections, bronchitis, allergic rhinitis (inflammation of nasal passages with runny nose or congestion), and eczema.

The W.H.O. also reports that exposure to elevated levels of indoor mold is associated with increases in a variety of respiratory symptoms: difficulty breathing, wheeze, cough, and upper respiratory symptoms. Evidence for a link between dampness and mold in homes and exacerbation of existing asthma in children was sufficient, according to the W.H.O. to strongly suggest a causal link. There is also sufficient evidence associating hypersensitivity pneumonitis with dampness and mold in buildings.

"Instead of ignoring home mold smells, visible mold growth, and water damage, parents need to promptly engage the services of a Certified Environmental Hygienist or Certified Mold Inspector to locate and remediate indoor mold growth, including hidden mold growth," recommends Fry, who is co-manager of EnviroFry Upkeep Masters, LLC, which serves residential and commercial property owners across the USA, as well as in the Philippines, Hong Kong, Tokyo, London, and other locations.

Contact Fry by emailing or phoning toll-free (USA and Canada) 1-866-300-1616 or cell 1-480-310-7970, or visiting the company websites,, and

Phillip Fry, Co-Manager
EnviroFry Upkeep Masters, LLC
10104 Sheridan Rd.,
Montrose, MI 48457, USA
Phone toll-free 1-866-300-1616 (USA and Canada)
Cell Phone 1-480-310-7970 and

Creative Enyzmes Found Many Diseases Can Cause the High Alkaline Phosphatase Level

Shirley, NY, April 13, 2016/PressReleaseCircle/ -- March 12th, 2016, scientists in Creative Enzymes studied further influence of some diseases in the alkaline phosphatase release. These diseases include gastrointestinal disease, infections, bone disease and medications. This news is mainly concerned why these diseases should be factors leading the release of alkaline phosphatase, which is a kind of enzyme found throughout the body, such as liver, bile ducts and bones.

Gastrointestinal disease
Through the research of scientists in Creative Enzymes, they studied the relationship between gastrointestinal disease and the high level of alkaline phosphatase based on the finding from “Harrison’s Principle of Internal Medicine”. Cholecystits, inflammation of the gallbladder, gallstones and other diseases can also raise the level of alkaline phosphatase, which can also be found in the intestines. A punctured or perforated bowel can increase the level of blood enzymes. And then diseases related to liver will increase the blood level.

All kinds of infections, such as infections of the gallbladder, infections of bone, can lead to the release of alkaline phosphatase. What’s more, it will be very easy for this enzyme increase with large scale infections. Among these infections, sepsis is not only an aggressive immune response, but also a condition of widespread infection, which will lead to the release of cellular enzymes, in which alkaline phosphatase is included.

Bone disease
Bone disease is also a wide-spread diseases, especially among the old. There is also the high level alkaline phosphatase. Diseases that can damage bones are also related to the release of alkaline phosphatase in the blood. These diseases include primary bone cancer, metastatic bone cancer and broken bone and osteoporosis.

Some medications and some antibiotics are also associated with the high level of alkaline phosphatase. Such as the estrogens found in oral contraceptive pills and hormone replacement therapy and erythromycin.

These are partial research information about the alkaline phosphatase. Creative Enzymes is also working on researching its related field, such as the serum alkaline phosphatase.

Creative Enzymes
45-16 Ramsey Road,
Shirley, NY 11967, USA
Tel: 1-516-669-8109

Thursday, April 14, 2016

53-Year-Old Motivational Author Crosses 4th Country in Tennies

Shawn Anderson has pedaled a bike across the United States twice and hiked across Spain and Portugal. Now Anderson is hiking 750 miles around Shikoku Island, Japan.

Los Angeles, CA, April 13, 2016/PressReleaseCircle/ -- Creating adventures to sharpen himself is nothing new for 53-year-old motivational speaker and author Shawn Anderson. Anderson has biked 4,000 miles solo across the United States twice, hiked 550 miles across Spain in 27 days, and hiked 440 miles up the coast of Portugal. Additionally, Anderson has run a 100-mile race, completed a 40-day around-the-world trip and has created adventures in 40 countries. On April 15, 2016, the six-time author will put on his tennis shoes and take on his next extra-mile adventure: hiking 750 miles around Shikoku Island, Japan.

“If I’m going to be successful in motivating others to live the best version of themselves, I better have total confidence in being able to successfully motivate myself,” Anderson shares. “Talking about ‘going the extra mile’ in life and overcoming challenges and hardships mean nothing unless I know what it means to walk the talk.”

Anderson continues, “Hiking for 50 days as far as I can each day in a unfamiliar country, speaking zero Japanese, and not even knowing where I’ll eat or stay is definitely not a comfortable thought. But when I do cross my 750-mile finish line in Japan, I will have a deeper sensitivity to what others think and feel in their own life struggles, and I will be better equipped to empower others to change their circumstances and attitudes.”

Anderson, author of the motivational book A Better Life: An Inspiring Story About Starting Over, shares, “The excellence and adventure of each of our lives will always be determined by our own vision and a willingness to take massive action on that vision. If we think we can…we can. If we think we can’t...we can’t. I don’t want to be a person who lets excuses stop me.”

In addition to being a successful lifetime entrepreneur, Anderson is also the Founder of Extra Mile America and the creator of “Extra Mile Day” – a day recognizing the capacity we each have to create positive change when we go the extra mile. On November 1, 2015, 551 mayors and cities made the unique declaration and recognized those in their local communities who were going the extra mile in volunteerism and service. Additionally, in 2015 Anderson took his “go the extra mile” message outside of the United States and created a month-long speaking tour in the Philippines where he shared his inspirational message with over 10,000 Filipinos.

“Everyday routines can dull us and sap our motivation to live a bigger life,” Anderson shares. “Unless we make a conscious effort to break routines and create opportunities that push us outside our comfort zones, our dreams start to shrink. I always believe my best days are always ahead of me,” the 53-year-old concludes.

Shawn Anderson
Los Angeles, CA

Monday, April 11, 2016

Mold Deniers Abuse Families in USA, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Manila, Advises Hygienist Fry

Husbands, fathers, employers, landlords, home builders, and real estate sellers physically abuse their wives and children, employees, tenants, and home buyers by denying the existence of health and life-destroying toxic mold that frequently infests residences and workplaces in the USA, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Manila, advises Mrs. Divine Fry, Certified Environmental Hygienist, whose mold services company serves family mold victims in those cities and surrounding areas.

Montrose, MI, April 12, 2016 -- Husbands, fathers, employers, landlords, home builders, and real estate sellers physically abuse their wives and children, employees, tenants, and home buyers by denying the existence of health and life-destroying toxic mold that frequently infests residences and workplaces in the USA, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Manila, advises Mrs. Divine Fry, Certified Environmental Hygienist, who serves family mold victims in those cities and surrounding areas, plus woman mold victims worldwide.

"A high percentage of husbands and fathers believe that mold problems do not exist in their residences, or deny that toxic mold growth is really dangerous, because they themselves are not personally suffering serious medical problems related to exposure to elevated levels of indoor mold growth," observes Fry, who is also a Professional Industrial Hygienist, Certified Environmental Inspector, Certified Remediation Specialist, Certified Mold Inspector, Certified Mold Remediator, and Certified Duct Cleaning Specialist.

"Usually it is worried wives, mothers, and female tenants, employees, and home buyers who are the ones who initiate or hire my company's mold inspection, testing, removal, and prevention services in the USA, UK, Japan, Hong Kong, and the Philippines for their homes, condominiums, rental apartments, and places of employment," adds Mrs. Fry, who travels worldwide with her mold expert husband Phillip Fry to help women mold victims.

"In addition, most employers, landlords, and real estate sellers and agents conspire to deny the existence of a property's mold infestation, or its danger, in a nefarious plot with mortgage lenders, insurance companies and property management companies, so that they don't have to pay the billions of dollars that would be required worldwide to find and get rid of both visible and hidden toxic mold growth," points out Fry.

The top dozen mold health problems, according to the U.S. Government's “Indoor Mold” report, which summarized 32 federal government mold studies and reports, are:
1. Asthma, asthma triggers, or asthma symptoms (such as episodes or attacks)
2. Upper respiratory tract symptoms
3. Eye symptoms
4. Skin symptoms
5. Allergies or allergic reactions
6. Wheeze
7. Cough
8. Difficulty breathing, trouble breathing, or shortness of breath
9. Infections (including those affecting people who have chronic lung disease).
10. Adverse effects to the nervous system
11. Fungal colonization or opportunistic infections in immune-compromised individuals and
12. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis.

To schedule mold inspection, testing, removal, remediation, and prevention services in the USA, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Manila, or worldwide, email Mrs. Fry, or phone USA 1-866-300-1616 or cell 1-480-310-7970, or visit company websites and

Divine Fry, Co-Manager
EnviroFry Upkeep Masters, LLC
10104 Sheridan Rd.,
Montrose, MI 48457
Phone USA 1-866-300-1616
Cell 1-480-310-7970 and

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Motivational Guru Shawn Anderson Begins 750-Mile Japan Adventure

Extra Mile Man to Hike 750 Miles Around Shikoku Island.

Los Angeles, CA, April 11, 2016/PressReleaseCircle/ -- Motivational author and speaker Shawn Anderson doesn’t just talk about ideas such as “going the extra mile” and “living the life you love.” He lives them. The six-time author and motivational keynoter will be hiking 750 miles around Shikoku Island, Japan, starting on April 15, 2016.

“Everyday routines can dull us and sap our motivation to live a bigger life,” Anderson shares. “Unless we make a conscious effort to break routines and create opportunities that push us outside our comfort zones, our dreams start to shrink.” Anderson continues, “Hiking for 50 days as far as I can each day in a unfamiliar country, speaking zero Japanese, and not even knowing where I’ll eat or stay is definitely not a comfortable thought. However when I cross my 750-mile finish line, I will have a much deeper sensitivity of what others think and feel in their own life struggles, and I will be better equipped to empower others to change their circumstances and attitudes.”

Anderson, author of the motivational book A Better Life: An Inspiring Story About Starting Over, shares, “The excellence and adventure of each of our lives will always be determined by our own vision and a willingness to take massive action on that vision.”

Creating adventures to sharpen himself is nothing new for Anderson. He has biked solo across the United States twice, hiked 550 miles across Spain in 27 days, run a 100-mile race, hiked 440 miles up the coast of Portugal, completed a 40-day around-the-world trip and has been to over 40 countries. Additionally, in 2015 Anderson pushed himself out of his comfort zone again and created a month-long speaking tour in the Philippines where he shared his inspirational message with over 10,000 Filipinos.

In addition to being a successful lifetime entrepreneur, Anderson is also the Founder of Extra Mile America and the creator of “Extra Mile Day” – a day recognizing the capacity we each have to create positive change when we go the extra mile. On November 1, 2015, 551 mayors and cities made the unique declaration and recognized those in their local communities who were going the extra mile in volunteerism and service.

To interview or book Shawn Anderson as a guest or speaker, call 310-402-4826 or email For more information about Extra Mile Day, visit

Shawn Anderson
Los Angeles, CA

Two Top Act! Resellers Merge to Offer Act! Consulting in Florida and California

Act! Software Join Forces.

Boca Raton, FL, April 10, 2016/PressReleaseCircle/ -- Tech Benders, LLC, a Florida Act! Consulting Group and Total CRM Solutions, a California Act! Consulting Group are pleased to announce a merger, which will take effect on April 1, 2016.

This merger represents a pooling of the expertise of two major Act! Consultants in an effort to produce a superior level of Act! consulting, training and implementation. They will also be able to provide the best possible Act! software pricing and Act! software sales assistance. Tech Benders’s central office will continue to be located in Boca Raton, FL and the Total CRM Solution office will continue to be located in Santa Rosa, CA.

Both Karen Fredricks, President of Tech Benders, and Carol Gilliland, President of CRM Total Solutions, are ACT! Certified Consultants, Act! Select Partners, Act! Diamond VAR and Premier Act! Trainers.

According to Fredricks, “The synergy between Carol and me is truly amazing. By combining forces, we will be able to have local Act! consultants in Florida, California and Oregon. And, with the usage of state of the art tools, we can offer Act! technical support to Act! users across the United States and throughout the world.”

According to Gilliland, “By collaborating with Karen we will be able to offer our Act! customers a wide range of services. We will be able to offer Act! sales consulting, Act! implementations, Act! training and even be able to help improve a company’s sales processes through correct Act! usage.”
Act! is the top selling contact and customer management software. Designed to allow users to increase the effectiveness of their sales and marketing efforts, Act! integrates seamlessly with other popular applications including Microsoft Office, QuickBooks, Dropbox and OneDrive. Act! is priced at a fraction of the cost of other well-known CRM solutions yet contains an almost identical feature set. Act! is the only CRM solution that can be used in a hybrid environment of both the cloud and the user’s own desktop.

About Karen Fredricks
Karen Fredricks, President of Tech Benders, is the author of 13 books including seven books on Act!, as well as titles on SugarCRM, Outlook, Outlook Business Contact Manager and Microsoft Office Live. A well-known expert in the field of customer relationship management (CRM) software, she was selected by to develop a series of Act! and Outlook training videos. Fredricks, who has over 20 years of experience in the computer industry, holds numerous software certifications and has an in-depth understanding of the operational, sales, and marketing requirements of businesses in a variety of industries.

About Tech Benders
Tech Benders specializes in CRM sales and marketing processes, custom Act! reports, Act! database repairs and conversions, and discount Act! software. Tech Benders maintains offices in Florida and Oregon and words with CRM clients throughout the world.

About Carol Gilliland
Carol Gilliland, President of Total CRM Solutions, was the co-author of two books “ACT! 2008 Reference Guide” and “Maximizing Your Sales with” and has authored several articles for various Contact Management industry newsletters. Carol has over 25 years of sales and sales management experience and has held positions at Procter & Gable and Logitech.

About CRM Total Solutions
CRM Total Solutions specializes in CRM sales, implementation and training. They offer expertise in Salesforce to Act! conversions and Act! custom table implementations. CRM Total Solutions is based in Santa Rosa, CA.
For further information, contact Karen Fredricks of Tech Benders at 561-470-5450, Ext. 1 or visit

Karen Fredricks
Tech Benders
Boca Raton, FL
Tel. No.: (561) 470-5450

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Mold Deniers Ruin Health of Spouses, Children, Employees, Tenants, & Home Buyers, Warns Fry

Husbands, fathers, employers, landlords, and real estate sellers destroy the health of their families, employees, renters, and property buyers by denying the existence of toxic mold and the dangers of living or working in moldy residences, rentals, and workplaces, advises Phillip Fry, Certified Environmental Hygienist, who helps mold victims in the USA, Canada, Europe, and Asia.

Montrose, MI, April 09, 2016 -- American, Canadian, European, and Asian husbands, fathers, employers, landlords, and real estate sellers destroy the health of their families, employees, renters, and property buyers by denying the toxic existence of mold, and the severe and extreme dangers of living or working in moldy residences, rentals, and workplaces, advises Phillip Fry, Certified Environmental Hygienist, who helps mold victims in the USA, Canada, Europe, and Asia.

"A large number of husbands and fathers believe that mold problems do not exist in their homes, or that toxic mold growth is actually dangerous, because they themselves are not personally suffering medical problems related to exposure to elevated levels of indoor mold growth," observes Fry, who is webmaster since 1999 of the mold health authority website and author of five mold books.

"Almost always concerned wives, mothers, and female tenants and employee are the ones who initiate or hire our mold inspection, testing, and removal services for their homes, condominiums, rental apartments, and places of employment," adds Mr. Fry, who is also a Professional Industrial Hygienist, Certified Environmental Inspector, Certified Remediation Specialist, Certified Mold Inspector, Certified Mold Remediator, and Certified Duct Cleaning Specialist.

"Employers, landlords, and real estate sellers and agents conspire to deny the existence of a property's mold infestation, or its danger, in a vast conspiracy with real estate mortgage companies, insurance companies and property management companies, so that they don't have to deal with and pay the billions of dollars that would be required worldwide to find and get rid of both visible and hidden mold growth," points out Mr. Fry.

The top dozen mold health problems, according to the U.S. Government's “Indoor Mold” report, which summarized 32 federal government mold studies and reports, are:
1. Asthma, asthma triggers, or asthma symptoms (such as episodes or attacks)
2. Upper respiratory tract symptoms
3. Eye symptoms
4. Skin symptoms
5. Allergies or allergic reactions
6. Wheeze
7. Cough
8. Difficulty breathing, trouble breathing, or shortness of breath
9. Infections (including those affecting people who have chronic lung disease).
10. Adverse effects to the nervous system
11. Fungal colonization or opportunistic infections in immune-compromised individuals and
12. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis.

To schedule mold inspection, testing, removal, and remediation services in Midwestern, Eastern, and Southern USA, Arizona, California, as well as Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, or elsewhere in Asia or worldwide, email Mr. Fry, or phone USA 1-866-300-1616 or 1-480-310-7970, or visit the websites and

Phillip Fry, Co-Manager
Upkeep Masters, LLC
10104 Sheridan Rd.,
Montrose, MI 48457
Phone USA 866-300-1616 and

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Motivational Speaker Walks Talk With Latest 750 Mile Adventure

Shawn Anderson to Hike Around Japan Island.

Los Angeles, CA, April 06, 2016/PressReleaseCircle/ -- Motivational author and speaker Shawn Anderson doesn’t just talk about ideas such as “going the extra mile” and “living the life you love.” He lives them. The six-time author and motivational keynoter will be hiking 750 miles around Shikoku Island, Japan, starting on April 15, 2016.

“Everyday routines can dull us and sap our motivation to live a bigger life,” Anderson shares. “Unless we make a conscious effort to break routines and create opportunities that push us outside our comfort zones, our dreams start to shrink.” Anderson continues, “Hiking for 50 days as far as I can each day in a unfamiliar country, speaking zero Japanese, and not even knowing where I’ll eat or stay is definitely not a comfortable thought. However when I cross my 750-mile finish line, I will have a much deeper sensitivity of what others think and feel in their own life struggles, and I will be better equipped to empower others to change their circumstances and attitudes.”

Anderson, author of the motivational book A Better Life: An Inspiring Story About Starting Over, shares, “The excellence and adventure of each of our lives will always be determined by our own vision and a willingness to take massive action on that vision.”

Creating adventures to sharpen himself is nothing new for Anderson. He has biked solo across the United States twice, hiked 550 miles across Spain in 27 days, run a 100-mile race, hiked 440 miles up the coast of Portugal, completed a 40-day around-the-world trip and has been to over 40 countries. Additionally, in 2015 Anderson pushed himself out of his comfort zone again and created a month-long speaking tour in the Philippines where he shared his inspirational message with over 10,000 Filipinos.

In addition to being a successful lifetime entrepreneur, Anderson is also the Founder of Extra Mile America and the creator of “Extra Mile Day” – a day recognizing the capacity we each have to create positive change when we go the extra mile. On November 1, 2015, 551 mayors and cities made the unique declaration and recognized those in their local communities who were going the extra mile in volunteerism and service.

To interview or book Shawn Anderson as a guest or speaker, call 310-402-4826 or email For more information about Extra Mile Day, visit

Shawn Anderson
Los Angeles, CA

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


SAN BRUNO, CA, April 05, 2016/PressReleaseCircle/ -- GREEN CREATIVE, the commercial grade LED lighting manufacturer proudly announces the launch of its new PLS V 7W HYB, PLS 5.5W HYB, PLS 3.5W HYB, PLS 5.5W BYP and PLS 3.5W BYP lamps.

Part of GREEN CREATIVE’s PL EDGE Series, the PLS HYB and BYP lamps are designed to replace a large range of PLS CFL lamp types and bases. The PLS V 7W HYB and PLS 5.5W HYB lamps replace 13W CFLs with GX23 (2-pin) bases. The PLS 3.5W HYB lamp replaces 7-9W CFLs with G23 (2-pin) bases. The PLS 5.5W BYP lamp replaces 13W CFLs with 2GX7 (4-pin) bases. The PLS 3.5W BYP lamp replaces 7-9W CFLs with 2G7 (4-pin) bases.

“We are excited to offer this wide range of PLS CFL replacement options.” Says GREEN CREATIVE Southeast Sales Manager, Grant Williams. “Our PLS V HYB, in particular, is the first PLS LED lamp designed for use in vertical fixtures, which greatly improves the overall light output and aesthetics of the fixture.”

The PLS V 7W HYB lamp is the only CFL GX23 base replacement designed for vertical applications such as recessed cans. Its patent pending round design results in less light loss in the fixture and improves the overall appearance of the installation.

All other PLS lamps feature a high quality diffuser and a base that can be rotated 180° to fit any socket configuration. After installation, simply rotate the lamp to achieve maximum light output.
The PLS HYBrid lamps can operate on either existing magnetic ballasts or on 120-277V line voltage. The PLS BYPass lamps require bypassing the ballast during installation and run directly off line voltage.

All PLS lamps turn on instantly and last 40,000 hours. The PLS GX23 base lamps are available in 2700K, 3000K, 3500K and 4000K CCT. The PLS G23, 2XG7 and 2G7 base lamps are available in 3500K CCT. All PLS lamps are suitable for use in totally enclosed fixtures except for the PLS V.

Detailed information and data sheet for the PLS V 7W HYB is available here.
Detailed information and data sheet for the PLS H 5.5W HYB is available here.
Detailed information and data sheet for the PLS H 3.5 HYB is available here.
Detailed information and data sheet for the PLS H 5.5 BYP is available here.
Detailed information and data sheet for the PLS H 3.5 BYP is available here.

These products are available through GREEN CREATIVE distributors and are ready to ship from the company’s west coast and east coast distribution centers. For more information on where to purchase these products near you or how to become a distributor, please contact GREEN CREATIVE at: or (866) 774-5433.

GREEN CREATIVE is a major solid state lighting development and manufacturing company based in the Bay Area, CA. The company specializes in retrofit lighting for the commercial market, offering a comprehensive line of LED lighting solutions. GREEN CREATIVE is fully integrated with strong R&D capabilities to constantly offer the latest technology available. For more information on GREEN CREATIVE please visit For all of the latest updates follow GREEN CREATIVE on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Connor Doyle
South San Francisco, CA 94080
Tel: (866) 774-5433

Friday, April 1, 2016

Wired for the Real World! Assured Remote Training Solutions for Any Network Examination

Toronto, April 01, 2016 -- Remotraining offers specialized training for CCNA (CISCO Certified Network Associate), A+, Linux, Aruba Wireless, Microsoft, ITIL and Juniper certifications. What makes the training unique is the fact that it can be taken taken purely as an online course, across all certifications formats.

The President of Remotraining says, “There is a huge gap between what is learnt theoretically and what is applied practically on the field. One must have a thorough understanding of basics and how exactly to apply the same in a real world scenario. Our online CCNA training equips individuals to achieve this seamlessly.”

This is no surprise. Networking can be a complicated subject and it requires commitment and experience at every step. Competent professionals are the need of the hour and there is little time for orientation or for learning while ‘playing’. Further, many organizations demand experienced professionals or even beginners are expected to have a good knack for trouble shooting. Given the myriad wires and switches, networking is a pragmatic science, as well as an art. But how exactly to achieve this expectation set the founders thinking and Remotraining was born.

“The main motivation from our side was to offer ease and flexibility to the training, without any compromise on quality. We have a 90% success rate in our remote training course. Our lab access is also remote. Thus all that is needed is just a good Internet connection.”

The training programmes have been designed by industry experts and each and every aspect is lucidly explained. All the sample evaluation exams that can be undertaken online are also free. Thus Remotraining offers one of the best online CCNA training around. Further, there is a lot of chance for collaboration and high levels of interaction.

“We have innovative learning tools and our online course is designed to effectively cater to every level of student presence. Our interactive presentations are designed to arouse a certain ‘thinking’ and open the minds of our students to new vistas. By encouraging collaboration, we help our students to develop a team spirit and a collective problem solving approach that is good in a corporate environment as well. The training process that we have developed carries a huge amount of experience and has been dovetailed to ensure that anyone undertaking the course can easily understand the basics as well as the higher concepts equally well”, continues Network Experts.

The vision of Remotraining is to provide quality training at an affordable fee,. The online network training certification, though new, has been developed effectively by Remotraining Experts.
