Saturday, December 28, 2013

EnviroFry Offers Raccoon and Wildlife Feces and Urine Cleanup and Decontamination Service

Montrose, MI, December 27, 2013 -- EnviroFry provides effective, professional, and nationwide raccoon, possum, squirrel, chipmunk, and rat or mouse feces and urine home and commercial building cleanup and bio-decontamination services for attics, crawl spaces, basements, garages, inside walls, ceiling, floors, and any other building area.

EnviroFry serves homeowners and the owners and managers of commercial buildings in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, New York, New Jersey, New England, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, nationwide USA, plus Ontario Province in Canada. For service details, visit

To decontaminate and remove dangerous raccoon or other wildlife feces and urine and contaminated building insulation, drywall, timbers, and other building materials, EnviroFry uses very high output ozone gas generators, large air scrubbing industrial HEPA and activated carbon filter machines, foggers that fog germ-killing biocides, and the very hard, labor-intensive work involved in the physical removal of animal wastes and infested building materials.

See the before and after pictures of the December, 2013, EnviroFry cleanup by EnviroFry of a huge raccoon and urine infestation in the attic of a house in Waterford, Michigan at

EnviroFry also does total building inspection and repair services in wild animal-damaged areas to uncover and repair damage done by the raccoons, possums, squirrels, chipmunks, rats, and mice to heating/cooling duct work, electrical wiring, and the building itself.

Health Dangers of Raccoon Feces (Poop)

Deposited raccoon feces (poop) are very likely to contain roundworm eggs that can be hazardous to human health. The adult stage of the raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis) lives in the raccoon's intestine and produces microscopic eggs that are shed in the raccoon's feces. One raccoon roundworm can produce more than 100,000 eggs a day. A raccoon can pass millions of eggs in its feces everyday, depending on how many worms are in its intestines. Once deposited in the environment, the eggs develop into the infectious form in 2-4 weeks, and can survive in the soil for several years.

If these infectious eggs are inadvertently swallowed by humans, other mammals, or birds, larvae (immature stage of worms) hatch out of the eggs and move into the organs of the body. The larvae travel throughout the body and may cause serious eye disease, spinal cord or brain damage, or death. Discouraging raccoons from living around people and cleaning up raccoon latrines reduces the chance that people will get sick from raccoon roundworms.

For raccoon and other wildlife clean up services, please phone Certified Environmental Hygienist Phillip Fry toll-free 1-866-300-1616 or Mr. Fry’s cell phone 1-480-310-7970 or email

Phillip Fry, Co-Manager
10104 Sheridan Rd.,
Montrose, Michigan 48457.
Toll-free 1-866-300-1616
Cell phone 1-480-310-7970

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