Monday, October 13, 2014

EnviroFry Offers Thai Do-Your-Own Mould Tests with Tape Lift Sampling, Pictures, & Lab Report

EnviroFry announces its “do your own” mould testing service with a USA-accredited lab analysis report of collected samples and submitted mould pictures for homeowners and other property owners, managers, and tenants in Bangkok, and elsewhere in Thailand.

Montrose, MI, October 12, 2014 -- “Homeowners, other property owners, managers, and tenants in Bangkok, Samut Prakan, Mueang Nonthaburi, Udon Thani, Chon Buri, Nakhon Ratchasima, Chiang Mai, Hai Yat, Pak Kret, Si Racha, Phra Pradaeng, Lampung, Mae Sot, and elsewhere in Thailand, can now identify and quantify at low cost the toxic mould species types that may be infesting their buildings by using the do-it-yourself EnviroFry Scotch Tape Lift Sampling & Mould Pictures Testing Protocol,” announces EnviroFry co-manager Phillip Fry.

Fry is a Certified Environmental Hygienist, Professional Industrial Hygienist, Certified Environmental Inspector, Certified Remediation Specialist, Certified Mold Inspector, Certified Mold Remediator, Certified Air Duct Cleaning Specialist, and webmaster of and

The do your own mould testing protocol includes these steps:

1. Lift Tape Sampling

The property owner, manager, or tenant uses inexpensive, clear, transparent, sticky, one inch (2.54 cm) wide adhesive tape, such as Scotch® brand or similar tape that is cut into three inch (7.6 cm) long strips to collect the mould samples. Complete Scotch tape lift sampling instructions are provided at

Scotch tape lift sampling is an easy, inexpensive, and effective way to do mould sampling in Thailand when a person---

(a) Sees mould growing on a wall, ceiling, floor, carpeting, furniture, heating/cooling duct register, or other surface;

(b) Wants to know whether a particular stain, discoloration, growth, or mystery substance on the wall or another surface is actually toxic mould;

(c) Smells possible mould odors (caused by the digestive gas emitted by mould eating the home, building, or contents) and wants to test a number of surfaces upon which elevated levels of airborne mould spores may have landed or been deposited, such as on walls, window sills, window and door trim, refrigerator top, kitchen cabinet tops, undusted furniture, heating/cooling duct registers, and the return air filter in the heating/cooling system; and/or

(d) Wants to test the inside walls of heating/cooling ducts for the possible presence of elevated levels of mould spores.

2. Take and Submit Pictures of Water Damage and Mould Growth

To supplement the collected lift tape samples, the property owner, manager, or tenant takes close up pictures with a smart cell phone or digital camera of any visible building water damage or mould growth, as well as pictures of the entire building, room, and areas from which the close up photographs were taken.

3. Send Lift Tape Samples and Mould Pictures to Mould Expert Phillip Fry for Lab Analysis and Fry’s Written Report Analyzing the Lab Results and Pictures

Up to three different collected lift tape samples (or alternatively, 2 inch by 2 inch physical samples of the actual mould growth itself as cut from mould-infested building materials or other surfaces such as carpeting), along with the lab “chain of custody form” available at, are then mailed (or sent via FedEx or an alternate delivery service) to EnviroFry, 10104 Sheridan Rd., Montrose, Michigan 48457, USA, along with the a check or money order for U.S. $200 payable to EnviroFry, or, alternatively, credit or debit card payment by sending money via to the PayPal email payment address of

Each additional lift tape sampling or physical mould sampling above the first three is only U.S. $35.00 per sampling to be lab analyzed.

Mould, building, and room or area pictures, along with a detailed description of any known building water leaks and flooding history or mould damage problems, should be sent either as actual photographs to the company address, or, preferably, as email attachments to

Within five business days after EnviroFry’s receipt of the lift tape samplings and the mould pictures, Phillip Fry will provide via email: (a) the mould lab results from an expert USA mould analysis lab accredited as an American Industrial Hygienists Association EMPAT Laboratory; (b) Fry’s written analysis, opinion, and report as to the extent and severity of the mould infestation, as evidenced in the submitted samples and mould pictures; (c) Fry’s specific suggestions on how any discovered mould problem can be removed and remediated effectively, safely, and affordably.
Read Fry’s recommended ten steps for effective mould removal at

For more information about the EnviroFry Scotch Tape Lift Sampling & Mould Pictures Testing Protocol, please email Phillip Fry or phone U.S.A. 1-810-639-0523 or cell-phone 1-480-310-7970, and visit and the mold inspector directory

To be trained and certified as a Certified Mold Inspector and Certified Mold Remediator, visit

Phillip Fry, Co-Manager
10104 Sheridan Rd.,
Montrose, Michigan 48457, USA
Phone USA 1-810-639-0523
Cell-Phone 1-480-310-7970 and

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