Saturday, January 7, 2017

Interior Waterproofing – What is it all about?

Regardless of the type of walls and flooring a house has, the rooms are not completely protected from water leakage. Be it stone, clay, block or poured walls, they are all prone to wear and tear, cracks, leaks and deterioration. If you are a person who would make use of the basement a lot, then it is advisable to go for interior waterproofing of the basement.
Now, most of the constructors are aware of the shortcomings of walls that aren’t waterproofed. So, they aware and are extra-careful with the process of waterproofing. During the initial stages of construction, the constructors make sure they waterproof the exterior part of the building.

Firstly, one should clearly understand water can easily seep through the walls, into your basement. If the soil or the ground is loose, then it is easier for the water to find a way through. Also, one should constantly check the drainage system for any blocks. When the dirt is deposited in the pipes, then it becomes difficult for the water to flow freely. This will create a block because of which water leaks into your basement.

Follow the below steps:

1.       Prevent the leakage
While planning for interior waterproofing of basement, then the first and foremost step is to concentrate on sealing the walls to prevent the drainage water from entering. If you find any cracks, then use silicone fillers to close the crack for the time being. You need professional help to tend the cracks as sometimes, a DIY may not help in the long run.

Also, use the drainage systems along with the sealants when the contractors are assembling the interior waterproofing in your basements. To push the water away, one can install cavity drainage on their walls. For exterior protection, you can use exterior foundation drain.

2.       Cut down moisture level
As obvious as it gets, the house owner should ensure that there is no moisture on the walls. The moisture on your walls, can damage any materials. Even you have proper drainage systems setup and sealed cracks, you should be careful. It is important to keep the walls dry considering the weather conditions. The more the moisture is, the more prone is your wall to cracks.

3.       Checking it constantly
Once you waterproof your basement, you have to constantly monitor it as there is no point o if your walls still have molds. The entire atmosphere should be dry with good ventilation and cleaning the appliances from time to time. Usage of de-humidifiers and proper air-conditioning, one can keep the environment dry.

This is when DryShield Water Solutions Corp comes into play. Our unparalleled recording of fixing issues without compromising on quality makes us stand out in the crowd. To know about our extensive services call us at 1-800- 277-5411 to address the issue about your household or make use of the free estimation option on our website to contact us.

1 comment:

  1. Taking care of a leaky basement is a tough thing to do specially if the water in basement is coming in from various spots.
