Sunday, December 15, 2013

Environmental Hygienist Phillip Fry Asks “Are You Sick from Living or Working in Toxic Mold?”

Mold expert Phillip Fry warns that chronically-ill patients may be sick as the direct result of living or working in elevated levels of toxic mold infestation.

Montrose, MI, December 13, 2013 -- “Across the USA, Canada, Asia, and worldwide, hundreds of millions of very sick people are unknowingly very ill because they are living or working in both visible and often hidden-from-view toxic mold growth,” reports Phillip Fry, mold expert, Certified Environmental Hygienist, Certified Mold Inspector, author of the book Mold Health Guide, and webmaster of the mold health information websites,, and

“Although mold-sensitive individuals can readily experience serious health difficulties after only a few hours to a few days of being in a mold-infested residence, workplace, or hotel, most people will ultimately suffer one or more of the top 100 mold health problems if they are continually exposed to elevated levels of mold at home, at work, or in their automobile,” warns Mr. Fry.

People differ significantly in their sensitivity and health reaction to mold exposure. Thus, while only one or a few household members or employees may be initially sick from toxic mold exposure, eventually the sick count will rise, sometimes very dramatically. In one small north Georgia workplace, six employees eventually died from the illnesses caused by their working for years in their mold-contaminated office.

Prolonged exposure to mold infestation cause such serious medical problems as chronic fatigue-like symptoms; immune suppression; central nervous system dysfunction (vertigo, memory failure, irritability, concentration, and verbal dysfunction); gastro-intestinal tract, heart, liver, and kidney damage; and even cancer (caused by carcinogenic mold mycotoxins), according to E. Johanning, M.D. and P. Landsgergis, Ph.D., in their medical textbook Clinical Findings Related to Indoor Fungal Exposure.

A Mayo Clinic research study discovered that ninety percent of all chronic sinusitis patients developed serious sinus problems from living or working in a moldy environment.

A comprehensive list of the top 100 mold health symptoms and mold illnesses is published on Mr. Fry’s website

“To know if their health problems may be mold-caused or mold-worsened, chronically ill individuals should ask their attending physician to collect a blood sample for lab analysis for mold antibodies in the mold victim’s blood. Prolonged exposure to mold infestation will cause one’s body to produce a different blood antibody for each different mold species growing in one’s body, in the body’s attempt to defend against the mold invasion. The lab report will detail each separate mold species antibody found in the blood testing,” advises Mr. Fry.

“At the same time, chronically-ill persons should hire a Certified Environmental Hygienist or Certified Mold Inspector to do a thorough, in depth mold inspection and testing of their home, workplace, and inside their car to discover if there are elevated levels of both visible mold growth and mold hidden inside walls, ceilings, floors, attics, basements, crawl spaces, and heating/cooling equipment and ducts,” recommends Mr. Fry, whose Michigan-based, international company EnviroFry does mold inspection and mold remediation nationwide in the USA, Ontario Province of Canada, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

For free answers to your mold questions or to schedule an EnviroFry mold inspection or mold remediation anywhere in the world, please email Mr. Fry or phone toll-free 1-866-300-1616 (USA and Canada), or his cell phone 1-480-310-7970 (good also for calls from outside of the USA).

In Asia, mold victims anywhere in Asia should email Certified Environmental Hygienist and Certified Mold Inspector Hank Taylor or phone Mr. Taylor in the Philippines 63-927-888-2113 or visit,, and

Phillip Fry
10104 Sheridan Rd.,
Montrose, Michigan 48457
Phone 1-866-300-1616
Cell phone 1-480-310-7970

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